Ambassador of the Russian Environmental Society in Japan: Tokyo Olympics is the most ecological in history 14.09.2021 Читать далее...
The council member of the Russian Ecological Society, deputy chairman of the russian diplomats association A.G. Baklanov took part in the international online presentation of the collective monograph on water resources issues 25.06.2021 Читать далее...
The Russian Ecological Society in cooperation with the international community is looking for more sustainable development of society. How pandemic ruins some goals of UN Sustainable development program 16.11.2020 Читать далее...
The Russian Ecological Society fights for Clean Air: how air pollution as an environmental health hazard contributes to the spread of COVID 11.11.2020 Читать далее...
Russian Ecological Society (RES) calls upon the international community to participate in solving the global problem. Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is going to dump tons of tritiated water into the Pacific 06.10.2020 Читать далее...
Russian Ecological Society (RES) calls the international community to consolidate efforts to save Alaskan ecosystem 16.09.2020 Читать далее...
Реготделение Российского экологического общества и Молодежное правительство Ростовской области подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве 15.09.2020 Читать далее...
Рашид Исмаилов: нам необходимо усилить пропаганду экологического образа жизни 14.09.2020 Читать далее...
Виолетта Чёрная избрана главой комиссии по охране окружающей среды Общественной палаты Рязани 14.09.2020 Читать далее...